Local Business and Politics: Stories and Happenings

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Fish and Beer

In addition to the two businesses I mentioned in my inaugural post, there are at least two others that Lompoc is dying to hear more about.

Soon.  Maybe?
First, "Are there any micro breweries here in Lompoc?"  Well, no, not YET.  But as many Facebook commenters have mentioned, there are strong rumors buzzing around.  The story is, Solvang Brewery has purchased (or leased?) the old Ford dealership and is coming to Lompoc.

I want more info!  Is City Planning already involved? What's the timeline? Are they opening a restaurant or are they going to focus on production? Tap room? What are they going to call it? Timeline? Who are the owners? Why are they expanding now? Why Lompoc?

I'm going to try to find out.

Second, "What's happening at the old Red Zone?"  Well, apparently, it has something to do with fish and Leroy. I heard the building sold for $499K and I can see, just passing by, that they're doing a ton of work on it.

It's all about Leroy.
Don't you want to know?  Aren't you WILDLY curious? Who is behind the project and how are they funding it?  What are they thinking? What are they hoping?  What are they bringing to Lompoc? Who is this guy, Leroy? What's the STORY?


Judging by the forums on Facebook and informal conversations with other business owners, I'm not the only one who wants better biz buzz.  I understand that there are times - usually when a deal is in progress - that the principals don't want to make anything public.  But, hey, "everybody" knows what's coming to the old Ford Dealership and the old Red Zone.  They're on our radar.

So: what's the scoop?

Is it idle gossip I'm after?

Here's the thing. Small business owners can make better decisions about their businesses if they know what's going on around them.  It's called Situational Awareness.  If you don't have it, you're likely to miss opportunities, or to encounter obstacles that you might have avoided.

Here's another thing.  You're more likely to "Shop Lompoc, Shop Small" if you know the "moms and pops" who own these mom-and-pop businesses.  There is a certain sense of obligation, when you're a member of a community.

And one last thing. If the local business scene is some big mystery that only the well-established and the in-crowd can access, it excludes many who contribute to the economic development of the city.  Are you one of Lompoc Valley's self-employed: a micro-business owner, solopreneur, a home-based business owner?  You need to be recognized and included in the conversation, and you need to be well informed.

My purpose, here, is to serve as a source for you to find out what's happening in the local business community.  This blog, I hope, will open up the conversation by asking: What's the Buzz? What's the story? What's happening?