Local Business and Politics: Stories and Happenings

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Joining Team Linn

So. John Linn is running for Mayor, and I am a member of Team Linn.  The Mayoral campaign has already been mentioned a couple of times on this blog (The Gadfly reported exclusively on Bob Lingl's announcement of his reelection campaign here, and you can find Ean Behr's "A Call for Civility" here.)

For the next few months, I will post some random thoughts (- feelings - concerns - questions -) about the campaign on Lompoc Gadfly. First, allow me to briefly explain, how I found myself in this mess. (Just kidding, John.)

John and I have been friends for a few years now - I met him through my sister, who's known him for decades. He's tried to find me a tenant for the old Gemini Theatre space.  We've spent a lot of time talking about Lompoc and how to make it better for everyone.  I've learned a lot about City politics from our conversations.

Back in May, John asked me to help him get reelected.  He had been watching me pursue my eternal quest for transparency at Council meetings. He had learned that I was willing to make a stand, if I thought I could do some good.

So here's my stand.  I support John because, unlike his opponent, he wants to grow Lompoc - jobs, shopping, recreation, and entertainment.  I've seen him in action and I've seen the results of his dedication.   He doesn't just TALK about making Lompoc better - he works hard to make it happen.

And there's more.  John Linn has promised me that he will help increase PUBLIC PARTICIPATION in City government.  He has promised me improved TRANSPARENCY.

Yes, I absolutely DO trust him.  Absolutely. In spite of the relentless attacks on John's character starting before the 2014 election and continuing now - I KNOW John.  He is a big-hearted, smart-as-hell boy scout, who never fails to do what he thinks is right, even when he is driving everyone around him CRAZY (just kidding, John).

John is not a perfect candidate, and he won't be a perfect Mayor.  But he is MY CHOICE for Mayor, and I trust that he will make good things happen for Lompoc.